Welcome to 2021! As we continue to dig out from our bit of snow last week, I hope everyone is taking it easy as they go. The club is nearly cleared, so hopefully warm weather and a bit of rain will help clear out the last of it over the weekend. However, next week they are calling for more snow.

The plan: I won’t have childcare this week, so all classes after 6pm will have to be online.
Monday, January 18th: All lessons online.
Tuesday, January 19th:
If the weather is good...10am, 13:30pm group lessons can happen at the club, I will update on Monday afternoon, please check back then.
If the weather is bad, all Tuesday lessons will happen online.
Thursday, January 21st: If the weather is good...all lessons can happen at the club, I will update on Wednesday afternoon, please check back then.
Saturday, January 23rd: If the weather is good...all lessons, こども英語 included (予約制), can happen at the club, I will update on Wednesday afternoon, please check back then.
If you have any questions or concerns please email: maryszka.clovis@gmail.com, contact me via Facebook or phone (please avoid SMS as it is difficult to reply)
Looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing your amazing snow days stories! Until then, take it easy everyone,
Online lesson links:
ミーティングID: 721 4879 7190
パスコード: 0102010
One on One lessons tap here. (or invite me via zoom)
ミーティングID: 233 342 548
パスコード: 0302030