I’m glad the weather has cooled off a little. What a surprise having mid-30 degree weather in May. Hopefully it is not a sign of things to come. June is here. Ducklings, hydrangea and early summer heat. Let’s enjoy these comfortable days with a notebook and pen.
Keeping with last month’s style. I will offer 8 topics to choose from.
- Describe a dessert that was memorable.
- Describe a meal that was terrible, but memorable.
- Which do you prefer plants or animals?
- Which do you prefer walking, cycling or swimming?
- If you could live anywhere in the world (including within Japan) for one month, where would you live?
- If you could meet anyone in the world (living) who would you like to meet?
- What movie do you want to see these days?
- What book do you want to read these days?